I am working on a thesis that makes a great use of molecular-dynamics simulations, and I am trying to understand how the particle-mesh Ewald method works. The problem is, I have difficulties understanding its very premise; now I will explain what I think I have learnt:
Long-range electrostatic forces do not converge if periodic boundary conditions are enforced; thus we cannot obtain them by summing pairwise interactions between every charge in the system if we take the periodic images of charges into account. The problem is, I see this as an issue with serious practical consequences, and I cannot imagine how a mathematical rearranging could solve it. I’ll make an example:
Let’s suppose we have an electrically neutral unit cell that gains an electric dipole moment during the simulation. This unit cell, and its dipole moment, would be instantly reproduced in all image cells. Let’s consider the electric potential in an arbitrary point: it would have an infinite number of shells of dipoles around, with area increasing as $r^2$ ($r$ is the shell radius) and the electric field dipole component would decrease as $r^{-2}$; the sum does not converge, so we would have an infinite electric potential in every point! Am I missing something?
I cannot see how PME or Ewald Summation, or any other algorithm, can solve a physical issue, unless that in some way those methods put additional boundary conditions. But I don’t see how. Can you help me understand? Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I was wrong about the infinite potential, because there is a cosine term in the dipole component that zeroes the potential in my proposed shell-by-shell calculation. Anyway, if we consider the electric field instead, we have it falling at $r^{-3}$; by adding the field produced by each shell we obtain a series of $1/r$ terms, that is still diverging at infinity, so my problem is still unsolved.