The relativistic energy-momentum equation is: $$E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2.$$ Also, we have $pc = Ev/c$, so we get: $$E = mc^2/(1-v^2/c^2)^{1/2}.$$
Now, accelerating a proton to near the speed of light, I get the following results for the energy of proton:
0.990000000000000 c => 0.0000000011 J = 0.01 TeV
0.999000000000000 c => 0.0000000034 J = 0.02 TeV
0.999900000000000 c => 0.0000000106 J = 0.07 TeV
0.999990000000000 c => 0.0000000336 J = 0.21 TeV
0.999999000000000 c => 0.0000001063 J = 0.66 TeV
0.999999900000000 c => 0.0000003361 J = 2.10 TeV
0.999999990000000 c => 0.0000010630 J = 6.64 TeV
0.999999999000000 c => 0.0000033614 J = 20.98 TeV
0.999999999900000 c => 0.0000106298 J = 66.35 TeV
0.999999999990000 c => 0.0000336143 J = 209.83 TeV
0.999999999999000 c => 0.0001062989 J = 663.54 TeV
0.999999999999900 c => 0.0003360908 J = 2,097.94 TeV
0.999999999999990 c => 0.0010634026 J = 6,637.97 TeV
0.999999999999999 c => 0.0033627744 J = 20,991.10 TeV
If the LHC is accelerating protons to $7 TeV$ it means they're traveling with a speed of $0.99999999c$.
Is everything above correct?