In general, the action of an observable operator on a quantum state is a projection into one of the operator's eigenstates. However, the action of an operator on a state is written $$ \hat A|\psi\rangle= \hat A\sum c_n|a_n\rangle=\sum c_na_n|a_n\rangle .$$
This has not executed the projection operation. Namely, a measurement of $\hat A$ should be $$ \hat A|\psi\rangle\to|a_k\rangle ,$$
so that if eigenvalue $a_k$ is obtained from the first measurement, any number of rapidly repeated measurements will also yield $a_k$. The operator $\hat A$ has projected $\psi$ into the 1D eigenspace spanned by $|a_k\rangle$. Unfortunately, I have not written an equation that shows that. I have only used the $\to$ symbol to say "and this where the magic happens." Is it required that after finding eigenvalue $a_k$, I must operate with $\hat P_k(\psi)=\frac{1}{c_k}|a_k\rangle\langle a_k|$: $$ \hat P_k(\psi)|\psi\rangle=|a_k\rangle ?$$
That extra step seems cumbersome and clunky but I am not sure which is the notation I am looking for.
Q: What formalism is standard for the mathematical statement that the act of measurement collapses a state to an eigenstate: $$ f\big(|\psi\rangle\big)=|a_k\rangle? $$