The volume of a sphere in flat space is:
$$V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3.$$
In curved space, $r$ itself is dependent on position, so, in spherical coordinates,
$$r=r(r, \phi, \theta) .$$
Assuming a spherical symmetric spacetime, for example the Schwarzschild metric:
$r$ is not dependent on $\phi$ and $\theta$, therefore, we can write
Looks simple, but confuses me totally, as I do not see how to calculate $r$ from $r$ itself.
Ok, to calculate the volume of a sphere around a point one needs to calculate the integral of $V$, and as $r$ is dependent on the position, I would suggest to write down
Something like $V = \int\!f(A, r)\,dr$
But I do not know how this looks in detail... Could you help me please?