I'm trying to understand the derivation of the Schwarzschild metric from Wikipedia, but I simply do not understand why, therein, $g_{22}$ and $g_{33}$ must be those of the flat spacetime.
Couldn't $g_{22}$ and $g_{33}$ have any other radial dependence than that of the flat space? If $g_{22}$ and $g_{33}$ were only dependent on $r$ (arbitrary, how exactly), that would be spherical symmetric as well, I suppose.
Why are they set to the coefficients of the flat space time?
Addendum: I especially don't see why they can't be another function of r. For example how about $g_{22}=A(r)r^2 d\theta^2$ and $g_{33} = A(r)r^2sin^2\theta$? That would be also spherically symmetric as $g_{22}$ and $g_{33}$ only depend on $r$. Could those second A(r)s simply be transformed to the flat spacetime coefficients? Please, show how, in detail.
Addendum 2: Meanwhile, I came across a coordinate change in Eddingtons Mathematics of Relativity. They start with U(r), V(r) , W(r) as prefactors for radial, tangential, and temporal component, respectively (as this is indeed the most general sperically symmetric metric). Then, they do the coordinate transformation r1^2=r^2V(r) and end up with only U and W and simply r1 instead of r as radial coordinate. However, now I don't see why the r1 should still be the radial coordinate of normal spherical coordinates. It's totally messed up if V(r) is complicated, isn't it? However, in the derivation of the Schwarzschild metric, it's treated as the normal spherical symmetric radial coordinate.