Resistance, Capacitance and Inductance measure certain electrical property of some matter. These term have even given rise to objects like resistors, capacitors and inductors respectively.
Few multiple questions I have is:
Does it make sense to ask questions like "what is the resistance of this capacitor" or "What is the capacitance of this resistor" etc.
How do we know that resistors, capacitors and inductors are the only basic building block of circuits. What prevents something entirely new quantity like W to exist which encapsulates certain new property to be found?
P.S.Consider the situation. I place a object and pass current through it and now want to analyses the situation. In reality it would be extremely complicated but we can proceed it by making a series of correction. So first I will assume it has some internal resistance and then correct for it. Next my friend come and suggest to factor in the capacitance of the object to get a more accurate picture. Then next I will also include the inductance effect of the object to get even more accurate picture. So I want to know when this series of correction will end. Undergrad circuit theory class suggest that I only need to look at only 3 entities i.e. resistor, capacitor and inductors to correct the circuit. But I am unconvinced by it and hence the question.