When I go upstairs with my bike I notice that its wheels start to rotate, or they spin faster or slower if they have initial speed. I tried to move the front wheel with acceleration in different directions, roll and yaw it with no initial rotation - no angular momentum, and indeed, it spun in one direction, and in another if I did everything in the opposite directions. What is the reason for that?
2$\begingroup$ Does the same thing happen if you just lift the bike slightly off the ground and do nothing else with it? $\endgroup$– WrzlprmftCommented Jun 6, 2021 at 14:09
$\begingroup$ I will experiment tomorrow, but one thing is that the wheels may be off balance. $\endgroup$– Keith McClaryCommented Jun 7, 2021 at 4:13
$\begingroup$ @Wrzlprmft yes, I've also tried to lift another bike and seen the front wheel spinning up during the acceleration and coming to a halt when I stopped the bike, as if the change of linear momentum leaded to the change of angular momentum. $\endgroup$– Evgeny SizovCommented Jun 8, 2021 at 18:42
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