An object in a centrifuge has a tangential velocity of $v = \omega r$ and a radial acceleration of $g = \omega^2 r$. By itself, the velocity would cause a time dilation of $1/\sqrt{1-(v/c)^2}$ = $1/\sqrt{1-(\omega r/c)^2}$.
The potential associated with the radial acceleration is $U = -(\omega r)^2/2$, so the time dilation due to the potential alone would be $1/\sqrt{1+2U/c^2}$ = $1/\sqrt{1-(\omega r/c)^2}$, which interestingly has the same value.
I feel like I ought to be able to multiply these together to get $1/(1-(\omega r/c)^2)$ for the combined time dilation, but I doubt it's that simple.
I see a comprehensive answer from Crowell to a related question but I don't really understand the answer. It seems like a well-defined question with just two parameters, $\omega$ and $r$, so I assume the answer is a relatively simple expression?