I'm simply asking what theoretical origins are behind 'coincidences' in CKM matrix elements, such as the decay of charm to strange quarks, and the decay of up to down quarks both having a coupling of $g_w cos\theta_c$. Another example is charm quarks decaying to down quarks, and up quarks to up strange both with a coupling magnitude of $g_w sin\theta_c$.
In other words, what connects charm and down quarks in the same way as connecting up and strange quarks? Or is it all a numerical 'coincidence'?
Phrased differently using the CKM matrix terminology, why are $|V_{ud}| = |V_{cs}| = |V_{tb}|$ and $|V_{us}| = |V_{cd}|$ etc?
Wikipedia has the following image so I'm starting to believe its just a 'coincidence'.