Hello friends I was stumbled when I learnt the scattering theory from textbook titled "Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur", which has related the scattering probability to the matrix elements of S-matrix: $$<p_{i1}p_{i2}|\hat{S}|p_{f1}p_{f2}>$$ where $p_i$ and $p_f$ are the initial moments and final moments after scattering.
And in p.g.192, the author defined the T-matrix as: $\hat{S}=1+i\hat{T}$, and the issue was converted to the evaluation of eq. (20.19): $$<p_{i1}p_{i2}|i\hat{T}|p_{f1}p_{f2}>=(2\pi)^4\delta^{(4)}(p_{i1}+p_{i2}-p_{f1}-p_{f2})iM$$
And it was announced that the computation of T-matrix involves the summation over
All connected, amputated Feynman diagrams with incoming momentum $p_{i}$ and out-going momentum $p_{f}$.
Amputation here means the the diagrams with loops on external legs are irrelevant to the $T$-matrix. I cannot understand why loops on external legs are not permitted. Frankly, I think loops contribute infinitely via terms like $\int dp\Delta(0)$, in which $\Delta$ corresponds to the free propagator.