For a slightly different perspective, in natural units one can set $\hbar = 1$. That is, in natural units we agree to measure action in units of $\hbar$ (instead of, say, $\rm J\cdot s$). Seen this way, it makes no more sense to send $\hbar$ to $0$ than it does to send $1 \, \rm J \cdot s$ to $0$. Put differently, sending $\hbar$ to $0$ is like sending $1 \rm m$ to $0$ by writing it as $1 \times 10^{-9} \,\rm Gm$. Such a change can't actually affect the physics of the system.
To recover the notion of sending $\hbar$ to $0$ in natural units, we consider the natural scales of the system under consideration. For example, the classical limit of the quantum harmonic oscillator is achieved when $E \gg \hbar \omega_0 $, i.e. when the energy of the system is much greater than the spacing between energy eigenvalues. So while it doesn't make sense to send $\hbar$ to $0$ from the natural units perspective, it does make sense to send $\frac{\hbar \omega_0}{E}$ to $0$.
As Qmechanic alluded to, there is also the deformation quantization perspective, where quantum effects are treated perturbatively in a parameter suggestively (but perhaps misleadingly for the uninitiated) written as $\hbar$. To be more precise, $\hbar$ plays the role usually denoted by $x$ in the Taylor expansion of the quantum mechanical commutator in terms of the Poisson bracket associated with the classical system. In this case, when $\hbar$ goes to $0$, we really do recover the classical situation, essentially by construction. I should say that I'm not very knowledgeable about deformation quantization, so hopefully someone else can expand on what I've said here and correct any mistakes I might have made.