The vacuum expectation value of the square of the Noether charge operator $$\langle 0|\hat{Q}^2|0\rangle=\int_{\rm all space} d^3\textbf{x}\langle0|\hat{j}_0(0)\hat{Q}|0\rangle$$ diverges in case of a spontaneously broken symmetry i.e., when $\hat{Q}|0\rangle=|0^\prime\rangle\neq 0$. This argument relies on the assumptions that the vacuum $|0\rangle$ is invariant under spacetime translations and the integration is performed over whole space. Since the norm of the state $\hat{Q}|0\rangle$ is infinite, this state doesn't belong to the same Hilbert space as $|0\rangle$.
Question Assuming FP theorem does hold, what do we infer from that? Should we infer that we no longer have charge conservation or should we instead infer that this theorem is not the correct way to answer whether charge conserved?