This is an old question to which I previously posted an answer. I later found that answer to be unsatisfactory and is now deleted. It is newly edited on $01.05.2020$.
Classical conservation laws are outcomes of the symmetries of the action while spontaneously symmetry breaking (SSB) is all about the symmetry of the action not being shared by the vacuum. Since in a SSB scenario, the action never breaks the symmetry but only the vacuum does, one would expect (at least, classically) that the charge conservation continues to hold.
Here I recall the proof of the conservation of Noether's charge. It requires (i) the action to retain the symmetry and (ii) the vanishing of the 3-current ${\bf J}$ at spatial infinity. Both of these requirements are satisfied when SSB takes place. For example, in a spontaneously broken scalar field theory, although the field $\phi(x)$ has a constant value everywhere (and hence, does not vanish at spatial infinity), the 3-current does vanish (because it contains spatial derivatives of $\phi$)!
Is this a fair judgement to conclude that conservation laws continue to hold classically, for a spontaneously broken symmetry?
Here are some related posts regarding the quantum situation:
$1.$ Physically, what is the Fabri-Picasso theorem really trying to say?
$2.$ Does Fabri-Picasso theorem imply non-conservation of charge?
$3.$ Why do the conserved charges in the case of SSB of a global symmetry not exist?