I am currently puzzled over one aspect of the notion of photons regarding its property of being localized and having a direction (as opposed to the classical EM picture of a spherical wave). I have come up with a thought experiment that illustrates my idea.
A charged particle is located at the origin of the laboratory frame, and there is a mechanism that can induce movement on the charge (for example, generating an external E field onto the particle, or perhaps varying a gravitational field that causes it to accelerate in a certain direction).
At a certain distance from the particle, a bunch of photodetectors are placed uniformly in a circular manner around the origin, so they are all at the same distance from the particle initially. We can assume that the particle has zero velocity in the laboratory frame, so that the detectors are motionless with respect to the particle's inertial frame of reference.
Suddenly, the experimenters induce an acceleration on the particle by one of the methods described above. In the classical EM picture, the accelerated particle will generate electromagnetic radiation propagating in all directions. After some time, all the detectors will measure a certain EM field intensity, and this should happen at the same time for all of them since the wave propagates at the same speed in all directions. The intensity distribution will not be uniform since the radiation will not be spherically symmetric (it would follow the Liénard-Wiechert equations), but there will definitely be nonzero measured intensities in most detectors.
Now looking at the quantum picture, it would seem that we think of the situation as the accelerated particle emitting a photon. The photon will then have a certain momentum and energy, and this should mean (assuming my understanding is correct) that it will reach only one detector. Therefore, we should be observing an intensity distribution where one detector has a large measured intensity, and all other detectors have zero intensity measured.
One can perhaps argue that the particle generates much more than one photon, and that the directions are statistically distributed in such a way that the classical intensity pattern matches the probability distribution of photon directions. But in that case, it should still be possible to experimentally distinguish the two situations by measuring correlations between detection times for different detectors. Presumably a stream of discrete photons will produce individual detection events spaced out by certain time intervals, so it should be possible to determine whether the intensities are measured simultaneously across all detectors, as would be predicted classically, or if the intensities accumulate over time by discrete events.
Is this an accurate description of what would be predicted by quantum mechanics?
Has such an experiment been performed in practice, and do the observations correspond to this prediction?