Surprisingly for an ideal gas the speed of sound depends only on that temperature and the molecular weight. The equation is:
$$ v = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma RT}{M}} \tag{1}$$
You may have seen the speed of sound written in terms of the pressure and density:
$$ v = \sqrt{\gamma\frac{P}{\rho}} \tag{2}$$
but you can show that equations (1) and (2) are equivalent. I go into this in my answer to Estimating the current speed of sound but briefly at constant temperature the pressure and the density are proportional so the ratio $P/\rho$ is a constant.
So assuming the heavier planet has the same atmosphere as Earth, and that we can treat the atmosphere as an ideal gas, the speed of sound on the heavier planet would be the same as the speed of sound on Earth if we measure at the same temperature. That means sounds will be the same on the heavy planet and on Earth.
Giorgio points out in his answer that non-ideal behaviour of the gases in the atmosphere will change this, but only at pressures too high for us to live there.