I'm confused about resistance's relationship to current and power.
- 10 V battery
- 100 W incandescent light bulb
Calculate resistance:
I = P/E
I = 100/10
I = 10 amps
R = E/I
R = 10/10
R = 1 ohm
- 100 V battery
- 100 W incandescent light bulb
Calculate resistance:
I = P/E
I = 100/100
I = 1 amp
R = E/I
R = 10/10
R = 100 ohms
Has the resistance of the bulb's filament increased 100x because of a characteristic of the material? Assuming the filament is made from tungsten, according to the above math, it seems like if there are 10x more electrons moving through tungsten per unit of time, tungsten's resistance decreases by 100x. Is this true, or am I profoundly confused about the math here?