I was going through a proof in my book and couldn't understand the last part of the proof. I mean I understand
$$\frac{Q_1^{\prime}}{T_1}-\frac{Q_2^{\prime}}{T_2}\leq 0$$
But after that how did author arrived at end ?
What i am saying is
$$\frac{Q_1}{T_1}-\frac{Q_2}{T_2}\leq 0$$ And hence for total cycle it should be $$\frac{Q_1}{T_1}-\frac{Q_2}{T_2}+\frac{Q_3}{T_3}-\frac{Q_4}{T_4}........\leq 0$$ not $$\frac{Q_1}{T_1}+\frac{Q_2}{T_2}+\frac{Q_3}{T_3}+\frac{Q_4}{T_4}........\leq 0$$
$$\frac{Q_1^{\prime}}{T_1}-\frac{Q_2^{\prime}}{T_2}\leq 0$$ Let's take it as $a-b\leq 0 $ and later it says $$\sum{\frac{Q}{T}}\leq 0$$ Which means $a+b\leq 0$