I have a simple enough problem. I want to mathematically describe a Gaussian particle distribution of $N$ total particles with a spot size of 0.1 (sigma). I need a function that will tell me the amount of particles in a transverse position $x$, i.e. how many particles there are in a bin kind of. But, the distribution should meet three physical requirements:
When integrated in all space (from -Infinity to +Infinity) the result should be N.
The spot size of the distribution is sigma (0.1, for example).
The values of $N$ at any given $x$ should not exceed the total number of particles $N$.
Now, of course the standard equation for a Gaussian is:
$$ \ N(x) = \frac{N} {\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-x^2/(2\sigma^2)} \,. $$
But, this satisfies condition 1 and 2 but not 3! I need an equation that describes the distribution in real space (meaning that for any $x$ value, it should give the number of particles in that transverse slice) but I am confused on how I to go about doing that.
Or is even possible to meet all three conditions with a Gaussian distribution? Any help would be greatly appreciated!