This question has been closed as not being "mainstream physics". However, this seems to be wrong, since I recently found an interview of Neil deGrasse-Tyson in which he mentions exactly what I said and a book about it (of course, not by the reasoning I used, but with the same conclusion - the book he refers to is "The Large scale structure of space-time" by Steven W. Hawking and George F.R. Ellis. So, it appears it IS mainstream physics)
Back to the original question: Suppose a photon is emitted from some particle of matter that just felt under the event horizon of a black hole, and in the exact direction opposed to the black hole center of gravity.
According to theory, it's speed is lower than the liberation speed, so it cannot escape the black hole, but also according to theory, a photon speed is the speed of light and it cannot be slowed down. It could only be deviated (accelerated) in the direction of the gravitational pull if this one has a preferential side, which it hasn't since by hypothesis, this gravitational pull is only backward and has no side component. This seems to lead to a paradox, since the photon cannot escape a finite space while traveling straight away at the speed of light.
- In this situation wouldn't the only solution for the photon being unable to escape the black hole, be that from the inside, a black hole is looking like a universe expanding faster than the speed of light - exactly like our own, in fact? This would lead to the idea that we do NOT need dark energy to explain the growing expansion which would only be a relativity consequence of the huge gravitational pull (since nothing can go above the speed of light, what we see instead of a black hole sucking everything to a singularity, is a growing space time metric so that there is no singularity in it's center - and no center)
- In this condition, why wouldn't we suspect that our universe and the big bang, is in fact the appearance that would have the formation of a new black hole (the big bang) and the cosmic microwave background is the residue of the so called white hole, which is itself unobservable, because it is getting away from us faster that the speed of light.
- Wouldn't this explain why James Webb Telescope see impossible galaxies which would in fact be images of what the outside of our black whole universe looked at the time of it's formation ?
This would lead to the idea that the general structure of the universe might be that of a huge "foam" of expanding black holes inside one another and permanently eating away their parent universe.