I've been trying to figure out an aircraft kinematics problem to estimate the x and y offset relative to current position after completing a turn. The turn is a specific change in heading, finishing in level flight but not necessarily starting in level flight.
- Instantaneous maximum roll rate
- Constant velocity
- No wind
- End turn in straight level flight
- Begin turn at any roll angle (not necessarily level)
Provided inputs/constants:
- Current velocity
- Max roll angle
- Max roll rate
- Gravity
- Desired change in heading
- Initial roll angle
What I tried:
- Split problem into 3 parts: (a) transition from current roll angle to max roll angle (b) sustained max roll angle (c) transition from max roll angle to level.
- For smaller maneuvers, max bank angle won't be reached and phase b will be skipped. It should (I hope) be fairly straightforward to derive the max roll angle reached, substitute for max roll angle, and solve.
- I found the turn angle by integrating turn rate as a function of time
w=g tan(b)/v
. - My hope was to use the arc equation
(x,y)=(R cos(T),R sin(T)
and integrate wrt time but it was pointed out that this is only true for a constant radius arc and is not applicable in this scenario (plus the integral was insane - Wolfram Alpha couldn't solve it).
I believe this problem would be classified as non-uniform angular acceleration in a spiral with constant radial velocity but might have that wrong?