Most hard photons scatter off partons, breaking up the nucleon (per Cosmas Zachos's answer). There is an amplitude for exclusive processes (including a resonance), but it falls rapidly with energy according to "the constituent counting rules". Here you count the point particles in the initial and final states: $n$.
The scattering cross section then scales:
$$ \frac{d\sigma}{dt} \propto \frac 1 {s^{n-2}} $$
so any resonance production will be too tiny to see against the DIS background.
Here's some TJNAF data showing the behavior in $\gamma +D \rightarrow n+p $ (this reaction has a kinematic region with no background):
The onset of scaling occurs around $E_{\gamma}=1.5\,$ GeV, where the photon wavelength:
$$ \lambda =\frac{\hbar c}{E_{\gamma}} = \frac{0.2\,{\rm GeV\cdot fm}}{1.5\,{\rm GeV}}=0.13\,{\rm fm}$$
is an order of magnitude smaller than the proton, and the energy is 700 times the binding energy of the deuteron.
If you consider all the reacting hadrons to be Lorentz flattened and time frozen non-interacting disks of quarks, then the constituent counting follow from simple geometric considerations.