I found here, it says "Ampere's Law roughly states that 'a changing electric field creates a magnetic field'.
(It does even have a \cite)
Even if it says "roughly states" think this is misleading, since it does not state if the strength or the direction of the magnetic field should change in order to produce a magnetic field.
Consider an example of current running through a wire. If the current is DC, the magnetic field does not change direction nor strength, but a magnetic field is created.
And in the first seconds of this video, it states the same. "A moving charge or current can create a magnetic field"
A similar question was made here and the first answer says: So we are forced to conclude that the magnetic field is due to the current itself, i.e. the movement of the charges, not any change in the electric field
So, i am not wrong i think. This statement is misleading, right?