According to the definition of the dielectric constant(k) for a dielectric, the electric field in the dielectric is defined as the corresponding electric field in vacuum divided by k.
We are also aware that the cyclic line integral of a electrostatic conservative field is 0 in a closed-loop. Keeping this in mind, let us consider three dielectric slabs of dielectric constants k1 and k2. The parallel plate metal capacitor is made of infinite plates with a uniform area and a distance "d" between its plates. I took a loop (as shown in my figure below ) and proved that the fields in the two slabs are equal. However, we know from the definition of a dielectric constant (and as shown in Concepts of Physics by Dr. H.C. Verma) that the electric field in a dielectric is 1/k times the field in vacuum. I have hence reached a seeming contradiction.
$$ \oint \vec{E} \cdot dl = 0$$
$$ \implies \vec{E_1} = \vec{E_2}$$
But by definition $\frac{E_o}{k_1} =\frac{E_o}{k_2}$
Combining equations $\frac{1}{k_1} = \frac1{k_2}$
... which seems to be a contradiction?
My attempt at resolving this
I believe that the E_o (which is the electric field in vacuum of the capacitor ) cannot be taken as the same for both dielectrics. This is because on inserting the dielectric slabs, there would be an additional polarized charge on the interface of the dielectric (which now coincides with the metal plate surface according to my setup). The metal plate however wants a 0 electric field inside it hence it would redistribute its charge in a way to achieve this. Since this charge has redistributed, the field in the region where k1 is to be inserted i.e. E_o is not the same (as it changes due to the deposition of charge from one of the sides of the dielectric)
Problems with my Theory:
There is no rigorous mathematical proof and I am not convinced of my physical argument as it seems to have a very low degree of rigor.
When we defined E_in dielectric = {E_(in vacuum)/k} I believe we defined E_o as the field in vacuum disregarding any effects of the dielectric (I think there is a direct contradiction here and this may be entirely wrong and we may have to in fact consider the effect if any brought about by the insertion of a dielectric.)
Fringe fields of the capacitor may be interfering here somehow (although i only took a loop very close to the interface)