In Nakahara 10.6.2 the case of system with fast $r$ and slow $R$ degrees (might be more than one of each) of freedom is discussed. The Hamiltonian is -
$$H=\frac{p^2}{2m}+\frac{P^2}{2M} + V(r;R)$$ Where $p(P)$ is the momentum associated with $r(R)$.
In describing the Schrodinger equation for the entire system, the total wavefunction of both dofs $\Psi(r,R)=\Phi(R)\left|R\right\rangle$ where $\Phi(R)$ is the slow dof wavefunction, $\left|R \right\rangle$ is the fast dofs wavefunction for fixed values of $R$.
In the derivation Nakahara apears to use this equality -
$$\left\langle R|\nabla^2_R|R \right\rangle=\left\langle R|\nabla_R|R \right\rangle)^2$$
However, I do not understand how it is reached. When starting with the LHS, and using integration by parts, I find a minus sign which I cannot wave off.