I have the following example:
A surface, having $N_0$ adsorption centers, has $N \le N_0$ gas molecules adsorbed on it. Disregarding interactions between the adsorbed molecules. An adsorption center having no adsorbed molecule on it is referred to as state 0 and has energy $\epsilon_{0}=0$, while one having an adsorbed molecule of energy $\epsilon_{i}$ is denoted by i. Each of the $N_{0}$ centers can assume any of the states 0,1,2.... independently of other adsorption centers.
a)compute canonical partition function $Q_1$, for one single adsorption center. b) Compute grand canonical partition function $Z_{1}$ for a single adsorption center, considering the center can also be unoccupied and assuming that thechemical potential of the adsorbing molecule is $\mu$ and their fugacity is $z=e^{\beta \mu}$.
a) $Q_{1}=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}e^{-\beta\epsilon_{i}}$
for be I have the solution but I don't understand it at all:
b) $Z_{1}=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}(e^{\beta\mu})^{i}*e^{-\beta\epsilon_{i}}= (e^{\beta\mu})^{0}*e^{-\beta\epsilon_{0}}+\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}(e^{\beta\mu})^{i}*e^{-\beta\epsilon_{i}}=1+zQ_{1}$
The problem is the last step I have no glue what is going on here.Okay I understand where the 1 is originating from but else... I tried figuring out the result by geometrical series and stuff. But this seems like pure magic to me. Or could it just be that the provided solution is wrong?? Please can anybody help!!