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Questions tagged [partition-function]

The partition function describes the statistical properties of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium, and is constructed to represent a particular statistical ensemble (microcanonical, macrocanonical, grand canonical).

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Pressure of a gas on the inside walls of a cylinder canonical ensemble

First post on here. I need some clarification on this topic. I have an ideal gas rotating with angular velocity $\omega$ in a cylinder of radius $R$ and lenght $L$. Working with the canonical ensemble,...
JimmyB's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Interpretation of the ideal gas single particle partition function

When considering an ideal gas composed of identical particles, in the semi-classical case, one can find that the single particle partition function is equal to: $$Z(1,T,V) = \frac{V}{\Lambda^3},$$ ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Product of two strongly interacting canonical and grand-canonical ensembles

I am running hybrid MC-MD (Monte-Carlo and Molecular Dynamics) simulations. To put it simply, a nanocluster which atoms belong to a subset $A$ is sampling the canonical NVT ensemble via Newton's laws (...
Okano's user avatar
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Computational complexity of approximating partition functions

I would like to understand the computational complexity of approximating the partition function of 2D Ising model with complex external magnetic field and complex couplings for the following cases: ...
Omar Shehab's user avatar
-1 votes
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Integration bounds for the canonical ensemble's partition function

As far as I understand, when calculating the partition function we are summing over all of phase space. So, for ideal gas for example we have $$H =\sum\limits_i\frac{p^2_i}{2m}$$ and so $$Z=\int\...
The Catalyst's user avatar
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Why do we only care for (and count) energy eigenstates and not superpositions in quantum statistical mechanics?

Consider one quantum particle in a 3D box in the microcanonical ensemble. It's energy eigenvalues are: \begin{equation*} \varepsilon = \frac{h^2}{8mL^2} (n_x^2+n_y^2+n_z^2) \end{...
hernandez.hdd's user avatar
17 votes
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How to turn a sum into an integral?

In, An Introduction to Thermal Physics, page 235, Schroder wants to evaluate the partition function $$Z_{tot}=\sum_0^\infty (2j+1)e^{-j(j+1)\epsilon/kT}$$ in the limit that $kT\gg\epsilon$, thus he ...
GedankenExperimentalist's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Path integral at large time

From the path integral of a QFT: $$Z=\int D\phi e^{-S[\phi]}$$ What is a nice argument to say that when we study the theory at large time $T$, this behaves as: $$ Z \to e^{-TE_0} $$ where $E_0$ is the ...
BVquantization's user avatar
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Physical observables in the XY/sine-Gordon duality

My question is, during the duality map, real physical quantities seem to acquire a prefactor of $i$ and become purely imaginary. And I feel uncomfortable. Take bosonic current for example. Consider ...
T.P. Ho's user avatar
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physical interpratation of partition function in Quantym field theory

Partition function in Statistical mechanics is given by $$ Z = \sum_ne^{-\beta E_n} $$ For QFT, it is defined in terms of a path integral: $$ Z = \int D\phi e^{-S[\phi]} $$ How can we see the relation ...
BVquantization's user avatar
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1D Lattice with site dependent magnetic field

An external magnetic field is on a 1D lattice with N sites where each site has a magnetic moment, which can rotate freely. The magnetic field at the $j^{th}$ site is, $$\mathbf{B}_j = B_0 \cos\left(\...
HypnoticZebra's user avatar
1 vote
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Hubbard-Stratonovich (HS) transform (or similar) for higher order-interactions

I have a question about a generalization of the Hubbard-Stratonovich (HS) transformation to decouple two-body interactions. When dealing with Hamiltonians of the kind \begin{equation} H = -\sum_{a}...
Alessio Catanzaro's user avatar
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The partition function is given by taking the trace of a density matrix. How do I convert this sum to an integral with correct factors?

I am learning Quantum Statistical Mechanics from Kardar's Book on Statistical Physics of Particles, in that he does the following for the partition function of a 3D gas: $Z_1 = tr(\rho) = \sum_k exp\...
Red dactyl's user avatar
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$q$-potential in grand canonical ensemble

I was recently going through R.K. Pathria's Grand canonical ensemble chapter and found the following section confusing under physical significance of statistical quantities. The author mentions; To ...
Apoorv Mishra's user avatar
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What exactly is the translational partition function for a single particle system?

I am recently reading Daniel V. Schroeder's book on thermal physics, and I am having trouble with the translational partition function for a single particle. Particularly since he defines the ...
Vivek Kalita's user avatar
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How many Lagrangians can a QFT have?

I just stumbled across a presentation by Tachikawa about "What is Quantum Field Theory". He has an interesting perspective that we should think of (at least a subset of) quantum field ...
11zaq's user avatar
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2 answers

Different definitions of resolvent in matrix model

When I study the matrix models, I get confused of different definations of resolvent. After we define the partition function as $$Z=\int[dM]e^{-NTrV(M)},$$ where $V(M)$ is a matrix valued function of $...
Errorbar's user avatar
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1 answer

Degeneracy of states in an ensemble of $N$ harmonic oscillators in $d$ dimensions

In the canonical ensemble consisting of $N$ independent harmonic oscillators in $d$ spatial dimensions one has to evaluate sums like $$ \sum_n \ldots e^{-\beta E_n} = \sum_E g_E \ldots e^{-\beta E} $$ ...
TomS's user avatar
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Deriving partition function for various ensembles

I'm wondering the derivation of following partition functions corresponding to various ensembles: $$ \begin{aligned} \Xi(V, T, \mu) & =\sum_N Q(N, V, T) e^{\beta \mu N} \\ \Delta(p, T, N) & =\...
Arete's user avatar
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Partition function of $N$ distinguishable particles

Suppose there are $N$ distuinguishable particles. Each particle can have energy either $\epsilon_1$ or $\epsilon_2 $. $ n_1$ particles have energy $\epsilon_1 $and $n_2$ particles have $\epsilon_2$ i....
Mr. Wayne's user avatar
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Distinguishability in Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics

Per the Wikipedia page on Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, the mean occupation number describes the average number of particles in the i-th single-particle state for distinguishable particles. To be ...
TheorVHP's user avatar
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The definition on vacuum-vacuum amplitude with current in chapter of External Field Method of Weinberg's QFT

I'm reading Vol. 2 of Weinberg's QFT. As what I learnt from both P&S and Weinberg, the generating function is defined as $$ Z[J] = \int \mathcal{D}\phi \exp(iS_{\text{F}}[\phi] + i\int d^4x\phi(x) ...
LaplaceSpell's user avatar
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Calculation of canonical partition function for fermion system with degenerate energy levels

I'm having trouble in visualising the generalized version of the question asked here. We have a system with levels whose energies are $0, \epsilon, 2 \epsilon, ..., n\epsilon$, and the number of ...
Alan Whitteaker's user avatar
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The definition of the path integral

I still have big conceptual questions about the path integral. According to (24.6) of the book "QFT for the gifted amateur" from Lancaster & Blundell the path integral is equal to $$Z =\...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
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What are exactly the loop correction to the potential? [duplicate]

I am struggling with the concept of quantum effective action, but first recall the definition : given a Wilsonian effective action $W[J]$ of our theory, the quantum effective action is just $$\Gamma[\...
Filippo's user avatar
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The partition function of a particle in a magnetic field diverges. Why?

Using the symetric gauge $\mathbf{A} = \tfrac{B}{2} (-y, x, 0)$, the stationary states wave functions of a quantum particle in a constant and homogeneous magnetic field are $$\tag{1} \psi_{n m}(r, \...
Cham's user avatar
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Is there any meaning or statistical distribution associated with the Jacobi's $\theta$ functions?

The Jacobi's theta functions $$\theta_1(0,\tau )=0$$ $$\theta_2(\tau) =\sum_{n\in \mathbb{Z}} q^{(n+\frac{1}{2})^2 /2 }$$ $$\theta_3(\tau) =\sum_{n\in\mathbb{Z}} q^{n^2/2}$$ $$\theta_4(\tau) =\sum_{n\...
ShoutOutAndCalculate's user avatar
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Yang-Lee circle theorem and the distribution of zeros

I am reading a note on Yang-Lee's zeros. The note first focuses on the grand canonical partition function $\Xi(T, z)$, where $z$ is the complex fugacity conjugate to the number of particles. If the ...
user31415926's user avatar
3 votes
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Making sense of stationary phase method for the path integral

I am trying to understand this paper/set of notes. I have already seen the following related question: Does the stationary phase approximation equal the tree-level term? but had some trouble following ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Partition function of Hydrogen atoms problem

I know there are several questions asking this problem, but I found this problem has not been solved yet to me. I will repeat the problem and state my view. Consider the statistical mechanics of a ...
TOAA's user avatar
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Interpreting generating functional as sum of all diagrams

The generating functional is defined as: $$Z[J] = \int \mathcal{D}[\phi] \exp\Big[\frac{i}{\hbar}\int d^4x [\mathcal{L} + J(x)\phi(x)]\Big].$$ I know this object is used as a tool to generate ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Is average total energy of two objects is the sum of their individual average energies?

In the context of Boltzmann's distribution, Schroeder states that an average is defined as $$\bar{x}=\frac1Z\sum_sx(s)e^{-\beta E(s)}$$ Where $\beta=1/kT$ and E(s) is the energy corresponding to the ...
GedankenExperimentalist's user avatar
1 vote
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Homogeneity Restrictions on the Distribution of states in Thermodynamic Systems

The expected energy in the canonical ensemble is given by \begin{equation} \begin{split} \langle E \rangle &= \frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1} E_i e^{-\beta E_i}}{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1} e^{-\beta ...
Lodin Ellingsen's user avatar
2 votes
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Examples of Path integral $\neq$ Partition function?

Are there any systems we know of whose partition function is not simply Wick rotation of the path integral? Does anyone know of any examples?
Dr. user44690's user avatar
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Partition function with Hamiltonian depending on parameter

Given a Hamiltonain $H(p,q)$, I know that the classical partition function for a single particle is given by an integral over the phase space $$ Z_1 = \frac{1}{h^3} \int e^{-\beta H(p,q)} d^3pd^3q $$ ...
Franz Bauer's user avatar
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Partition function for a $SO(3, 1)$ invariant "Hamiltonian"

Suppose, I look at the $SO(3, 1)$ generalization of $H = \frac{p^2}{2m}$, i.e. $$H = \lambda P^{\mu}P_{\mu}$$ where $P^{\mu}P_{\mu}$ is a $SO(3, 1)$ invariant object and $\lambda$ is some dimensionful ...
Dr. user44690's user avatar
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Probability and Single Particle Partition function

I have a fundamental question in statistical mechanics that I can't wrap my head around. When we speak about the probability of a SYSTEM being in macrostate with energy E we calculate this by: $$ P(E) ...
Lugerfan's user avatar
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Why non-extensive terms cancel out in the low temperature expansion of 2d Ising model?

I'm currently reading David Tong's lecture on Statistical Physics, and I cannot understand the logic in the following paragraph about the low temperature expansion of 2d Ising model. It can be ...
Jason Chen's user avatar
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Partition function for independent particles

I am trying to understand Section 3.8.3, "Independent particles", of Piers Coleman's Introduction to Many-Body Physics (self-study, mathematics background). He considers "a system of ...
gilgamesh's user avatar
5 votes
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Partition function for a classical two-particle oscillator: Infinite limits?

Previous page: What is the partition function of a classical harmonic oscillator? Whenever I see the partition function of a classical two-particle oscillator, $$Z(\beta) \, = \, \int dx \int dp ~ e^{-...
NickElias's user avatar
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Grand canonical partition function for Bose-Einstein statistic and Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics for indistinguishable particles

If we have N non-interacting particles and N assumes the values 1 and 2.They can be found in three energy levels $\epsilon_{l}=\epsilon*l$ with l = 0, 1, 2. I tried to write the function as Z(µ, T)=$\...
Mario's user avatar
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$(\mathcal{S}\mathcal{T})^3=\mathcal{S}^2=+1$ mistake in CFT big yellow book?

In Conformal Field Theory Philippe by Di Francesco, Pierre Mathieu David Sénéchal Sec 10.l. Conformal Field Theory on the Torus eq.10.9 says the modular transformation $\mathcal{T}$ and $\mathcal{S}$ ...
zeta's user avatar
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Should I partial trace the hamiltonian or partition function for a reduced system?

Suppose I have a quantum spin model, let's say e.g. the quantum transverse field model with hamiltonian $H$, on some lattice of particles, with partition function $\text{Tr}(e^{- \beta H})$ and I do ...
user3397129's user avatar
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Are partition functions invariant under Bogoliubov transformations?

Consider a Hamiltonian $H(a_i, a^{\dagger}_i)$ as a function of some ladder operators $a_i, a^{\dagger}_i$. Now, consider a partition function $H(a'_i, a'^{\dagger}_i)$ where $a', a'^{\dagger}$ are ...
Dr. user44690's user avatar
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Constrained partition function(s) of a multi cluster system

Can a system have multiple partition functions? I am trying to find the partition function of two cluster system with specific constraints. For the sake of brevity, I am consider a simple case. The ...
RAJENDRA PRASAD G's user avatar
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Fixing total particle number for Canonical Ensemble vs Grand canonical ensemble

For a (non-interacting) gas of bosons (any gas for that matter), the total particle number has to be a finite value and in the canonical description this is ensured by writing a constrained sum for ...
Lost's user avatar
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Partition function for fractional Brownian motion with $H < 1/2$

Recently I was interested in computing the logarithmic derivarivative $Z'(H)/Z(H)$ of the following partition function: $$ Z(H) = \int e^{-S_H(x)} \mathcal{D} x, \quad \text{where} \quad S_H(x) = A(H) ...
tsnao's user avatar
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What is the gravitational path integral computing?

What is the gravitational path integral (which roughly goes like $\int [dg]e^{iS_{\text{EH}}[g]}$) computing? Usually, path integrals arise from transition amplitudes such as these: $\lim_{T\to\infty}\...
dennis's user avatar
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What does the matrix mean in matrix models?

I'm learning what a matrix model means, for example, in Yang–Mills matrix models, IKKT matrix model and BFSS matrix model. I have consulted a large amount of information but still not sure what the ...
Errorbar's user avatar
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Computation of Density for an Ideal Gas

I'd like to get some help deriving the following result: $$ \langle \rho(\mathbf{q}) \rangle = \frac{N}{V}$$ where $$\rho(\mathbf{q}) = \sum_{i}^{N}\delta(\mathbf{q}_i-\mathbf{q}) $$ and $\mathbf{v} = ...
Claudio's user avatar
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