Let us consider a canonical system of N independent, distingusiable harmonic oscillators in 1D. Its partition function $$Z = (Z_{sp})^N = \left(\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} e^{-\beta E_i}\right)^N$$ where, $Z_{sp}$ is the single particle partition function of a simple harmonic oscillator, $E_i$ is the energy of a simple harmonic oscillator in 1D given by $(n+1/2)\hbar\omega$, $n = 0,1,2, \cdots.$
I want to know the fraction of oscillators in a given exicited state of energy $E_j$. I think the answer should be as follows.
$$\frac{e^{-\beta E_i}}{Z}$$ where, $Z$ is given above.
But I have got confused because in Atkin's Physical Chemistry $Z_{sp}$ has been used instead of $Z$ (Eq. (16.7)).
Question: Why is this so? Where am I missing the point?