Suppose the string stretches between $z$ co-ordinates $z=0$ and $z=L$. Then the Fourier series for the string's sideways displacement as a function of time contains only components of the form
$$\psi_n(z,\,t) = \sin\left(\frac{\pi\,n\,z}{L}\right)\,\cos\left(\frac{\pi\,n\,c\,t}{L}+\delta_n\right)\tag{1}$$
where the cosinusoidal time variation is valid if the string is released at $t=0$. These are standing waves that automatically fulfill the universal boundary conditions that:
$$\psi(0,\,t)=\psi(L,\,t)=0;\;\forall t\in\mathbb{R}\tag{2}$$
i.e. the string is fixed at both its ends and:
$$\left.\frac{\partial}{\partial\,t} \psi(z,\,t)\right|_{t=0}=v_0(z);\;\forall z\in[0,\,L]\tag{3}$$
i.e. the string's initial velocity at all points is the string's initial velocity profile. The first boundary condition dictates the spatial dependence in (1), the second the time dependence - different amplitudes and phases $\delta_n$ let you match your initial displacement and velocity conditions. The velocity $c$ gives the correct phase relationship between the two variations (i.e. the solutions in (1) are indeed made up of complex exponential functions of the arguments $z\pm c\,t$).
Now you must sum terms of the form in (1) to build your space and time dependence of your string's shape. This you do by using the standard formulas for Fourier co-efficients to match the strings initial shape and initial velocity profile. So you choose profiles that describe the conditions you wish to model and then work out the Fourier co-efficients (including the phases) with the standard formulas. It is these co-efficients that set the spectral content of the vibration.
The OP further asks:
Yes I also did that mathematically,but i shall be helped if you provide me with a physical insight into this system rather than mathematical,on why amplitudes fall in squares or linearly
The Fourier co-efficients and phases are the description of the initial velocity and shape, so they contain exactly the same information as the sentence "the initial shape and velocity profile are .....". So your question is equivalent to asking why the initial shape and velocity profile are as they are: it's just how the system is set up and that is a function of your hammer / plectrum shape, striking mechanism and so forth.
The physics of the system simply tells us we can model the disturbance as sum of terms in (1). Newton's law gives us the wave equation, which is both linear (which justifies breaking the expression up into a sum) and also admits terms of the form $f(z\pm c\,t)$ or any linear superposition thereof. That's all that the physics tells us.
Fourier's theorem then gives us a way to encode the description of the initial conditions in a way from which it is easy to read off what the linear superposition co-efficients must be and be in accordance with the physics. Uniqueness and completeness then guarantees that this is the only way one can combine solutions linear and be consistent both with the physics and the assumed initial conditions.