I am looking at the following image (from http://www.schoolphysics.co.uk/age16-19/Atomic%20physics/X%20rays/text/X_ray_spectra/index.html):
and I want to know, of the two curves, which one represents the element with the higher atomic number. That is, I understand that X-rays are scattered and that the peaks are characteristic of a material. What I am less clear on i why one curve should be above another relative to their atomic numbers (I am going to assume the cutoff voltage on the left is identical even though in this picture it isn't).
The reason I am confused is that I am told that that $\frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda}} \propto Z$ which is all very well, but on this graph it would seem to indicate that the upper line is a heavier (higher Z) material. Is hat the case, or is intensity actually proportional to $\frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda}}$ as well? I would have thought the lower curve would be a higher Z since it usually take less energy to knock electrons off of elements further up the periodic table.
Anyhow, what clarification might be offered is appreciated.