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Ghost detection at the level of equations of motion

My question is about how to detect ghostly degrees of freedom at the level of equations of motion. It is not clear for me how does this work. Let me explain with an example: Consider the following ...
Gravitino's user avatar
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What is the problem of higher-order time derivatives with causality?

I've heard that equations of motion with third- or higher-order time derivatives have problems with causality, but can't seem to find any proof or reasoning for this. Could anyone please help me? I ...
M4dMel's user avatar
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How do you check the stability of a kink solution?

I am reading a nice introductory note by Hugo Laurell ( but got confused on section 3.2. He claims the stability of kink by expanding a ...
user239970's user avatar
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What is the "special time dependence" that develops in an Ostrogradskian instability?

I've been reading papers that deal with Lagrangians containing second- and higher- order derivatives of field variables. In this paper in Section 3.1, I found this very interesting quote: The ...
S. McGrew's user avatar
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Motion around stable circular orbit

Hello I am to solve whether it is possible for body of mass $m$ to move around stable circular orbit in potentials: ${V_{1} = \large\frac{-|\kappa|}{r^5}}$ and ${V_{2} = \large\frac{-|\kappa|}{r^{\...
Optimammal's user avatar