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What do the authors of the paper mean here exactly by path integral?

First of all, please forgive me if i am asking a dumb question. I don't have a physics background. I was reading this paper by Hawking & Hertog on populating string theory landscape and came ...
habib's user avatar
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How can we calculate simple quantum tunneling processes from the path integral?

I've been reading through Altland and Simons' Condensed Matter Field Theory, and am confused a bit by their discussion on tunneling and instantons. However I don't quite understand how this relates to ...
Abhi Sarma's user avatar
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WKB solution in QFT: classical action and particle vs antiparticle case

Consider the theory of a complex scalar field $$S[\psi, \psi^\dagger] = -\int d^4x \left(\hbar \partial_\mu \psi^\dagger \partial^\mu\psi + \hbar^{-1} m^2 |\psi|^2\right)$$ giving the Klein-Gordon ...
Rudyard's user avatar
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Why is the semiclassical approximation of the abelian Chern-Simons theory exact?

I was told that in abelian Chern-Simons theory (say, with a general level matrix $K$), semiclassical approximation is exact because there is no trivalent vertex, which in non-abelian case makes the ...
Henry's user avatar
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Mesons as a two-body problem is semiclassical QCD?

In particle physics and quantum field theory, mesons are interpreted as a system composed of a quark and an anti-quark, and the color charge of both must be at each opposite moment (green/anti-green, ...
Davius's user avatar
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Compatibility of renormalisation with the quantum-classical correspondence principle

We know that Quantum Theories obey the Heisenberg equations of the motion, taking the expected values of which gives us the classical equations. Also, We replace the mass and coupling parameters of a ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Path integrals and classical paths obtained via saddle point integration

EDIT: Focussed my question more based on @octonion's comments Say one is interested in the following action, $$S[\{\phi_i(x,t), \tilde{\phi_i(x,t)}\}] = \int \mathrm{d}t\mathrm{d}^d x\left(\tilde{\...
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