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Does the minimum connection time of ocean surface currents depend on the patch scale?

The Nature paper "The timescales of global surface-ocean connectivity" attempts to model "minimum connectivity times (Min-T), or distances based on the fastest times that particles can ...
tparker's user avatar
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Power law behaviour at phase transition point & presence of fluctuations of all length scales

In physics, exponentials such as $\exp(-r/\xi) $ typically come with a natural length scale $\xi$ while power laws such as $\sim 1/r^n$ don't have a definite length scale (at least not readily ...
SRS's user avatar
  • 27.2k
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How does such strange microscopic behavior at the atomic level (quantum mechanics) lead to the macroscopic behavior at our level?

So, I'm only a high school student researching quantum physics, and I find it very interesting. However, there's one question that keeps nagging at me in the back of my head. How exactly do odd ...
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