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How can we have two independent parameters (physically) during Rabi Oscillations happening in Rydberg Atoms?

Rabi Oscillations are explained as electric interaction between atom and EM field, here. This can be true for any two-level system with specific interactions that can lead to the Hamiltonian given in ...
Prabhat's user avatar
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How can an $n=25$ Rydberg state exist in a solid? What does the wave function look like?'s April 15, 2022 Ancient Namibian stone could hold key to future quantum computers begins: A special form of light made using an ancient Namibian gemstone could be the key to new light-based ...
uhoh's user avatar
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3 answers

Can the hydrogen Rydberg decay cascade be resolved into individual lines?

This is a technical question as a follow-up to the discussion in Would a high energy Hydrogen atom start emanating electromagnetic radiation? Suppose that I have a hydrogen atom that is excited, at $t=...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How to understand the hydrogen energy level and its wave function?

I have difficulty to understand this Hydrogen atom's energy level and its wave function. My difficulty is regarding the hydrogen atom itself, not the energy level and the wave function their selves, ...
AirCraft Lover's user avatar
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What system has a spectral series in the radio spectrum?

As an electron energy level has an emission level depending upon the excitation, is it possible for a system such as a Rydberg atom to have emissions in the low side of the frequency range?
Evamentality's user avatar
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How can you explain long lifetime of the Rydberg atoms? [duplicate]

Long lifetimes of the Rydberg atoms seems counterintuitive to me. Intuitive explanation: the higher electron was excited, the more levels below became available for spontaneous decay. So the first ...
Chukcha's user avatar
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Why is EIT needed to story memory using rydberg atoms?

I was going through a paper explaining how the write-in and read-out efficiencies can be increased using cold atoms where they used Rydberg atoms, and mentioned that they were probed using EIT(...
Swaroop Joshi's user avatar
6 votes
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How to explain the long lifetime of Rydberg atoms with Fermi golden rule?

How to explain the long lifetime of Rydberg atoms with Fermi's golden rule? Wikipedia says it is partly due to tiny wavefunction overlap with inner orbitals, but what about the outer ones?
Jason Tao's user avatar
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What's the highest-$n$ Rydberg state that's been created and detected experimentally?

Rydberg states form an infinite series of electronic states that asymptotically approach the ionization potential of the atom or molecule, usually in good agreement with the simple Rydberg formula. ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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What is the highest energy level an electron can reach and still tend to move to a lower state and still "belong" to the atom?

For example, imagine that I excite an electron in order to move it to the 19th energy level (when the lowest possible is, let's say, the 2nd (there are three electrons in total in the atom)). How can ...
Jorge's user avatar
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