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Energy Level Change in Adiabatic Reversible Process

I am currently trying to get my head around the concept of entropy. One way to understand it is that it can be related to the number of available energy levels in a system. From what I read, the ...
Sorade's user avatar
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Container divided by frictionless adiabatic wall: reversible or irreversible process?

I have encountered an issue in the following physical situation. Consider a rigid, thermally insulated container divided by a barrier parallel to its base into two parts, left and right, each ...
Bml's user avatar
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The work and reversibility of an adiabadically stretched band

I currently working on this. More specifically I have a question about Problem 2.8 (solution on page 34 and exercise on page 25 of the pdf). I have 4 questions 1. In the solution for b) the author ...
Peter Mafai's user avatar
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Uniqueness of Irreversible and adiabatic processes in finite time

Let the external intensive and extensive "mechanical" variables be denoted by $Y_k, X_k$. These variables are well defined irrespective of the system is in equilibrium or not. For an ...
hyportnex's user avatar
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Entropy in irreversible adiabtic process

We know that, $$dS=\dfrac{\delta Q_{rev}}{T}$$ If you have an irreversible adiabatic process between two thermodynamic equilibrium end states of a system, there exists no possible reversible adiabatic ...
Shivansh Jain's user avatar
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Reversibility of the ideal Carnot cycle

How do adiabatic processes in the reversible Carnot cycle take place? Is the gas adiabatically isolated? If so, how would that happen in real life? (I know that Carnot cycle is not practically ...
AWanderingMind's user avatar
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Comparing the final pressures/volumes/temperatures of a reversible and irreversible adiabatic process

Consider $2$ ideal and identical gases $A$ and $B$ which are at the same initial state of ($P_1$,$V_1$,$T_1$). $A$ is taken through a reversible adiabatic process and $B$ through an irreversible ...
Boson's user avatar
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What is the type of system, if I have an opened container with hot water inside, but no heat input to the system?

I have a school project, where I am trying to generate electricity using TEG modules that are attached to an aluminium container that contains hot water. The container is opened and there is no heat ...
Youssef Gamal's user avatar
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Adiabatic process and internal energy

My question concerns the connection between change in internal energy $dE = Q - W$ and the available work in an adiabatic process. My understanding is, that in an adiabatic process ($Q=0$) the change ...
Michael Iversen's user avatar
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Why the irreversible work carried in an adiabatic condition never causes change in internal energy?

I saw the lecture of thermodynamics on the MIT opencourse ware . In that lecture , the professor said that change in internal energy in an adiabtic process is caused by only reversible work , and not ...
Abbas's user avatar
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