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Questions tagged [nuclear-isomers]

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Are there any nuclear isotopes with both chiral and non chiral nuclear isomers?

I seek a nuclear isotope where one nuclear isomer is chiral and the other not. Are there any. Can there be any?
David Jonsson's user avatar
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How do nuclear physicists know if a particularly long-lived nuclear isomer actually exists? If it never seems to emit a gamma ray?

Some nuclear isomers (like tantalum-180m) have never even been observed to decay.... How do we know it is in an excited state then? That it actually absorbed some form of energy? Can these includes ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Is it possible for there to exist metastable exotic atoms?

I've been quite fascinated with the invention and discovery of exotic atoms such as: positronium, and muonic hydrogen etc... Now I know positronium has a longer than usual lifetime because it is in a ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Cm-244 metastable state

While searching for decay product information for Cm-244, I came across the UCSD Radionuclide Data Sheets, which lists the half life for the metastable isomer Cm-244 (34 ms), rather than the nuclear ...
apogalacticon's user avatar
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Nucleosynthesis of tantalum-isomer $^{180{\rm m1}}{\rm Ta}$

How does nucleosynthesis explain the creation of tantalum-isomer $^{180{\rm m1}}{\rm Ta}$? Or what is the best theory to explain the existence of this? It must be noted that the tantalum-isotope $^{...
Jokela's user avatar
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