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Can I stand on a neutrino star?

Hypothetically, if neutrinos lost their energy in the expanding universe, slowed down, and collapsed in a vast and otherwise empty region under their own gravity, they might form a large object ...
safesphere's user avatar
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Do electrons oscillate into muons just like electron-neutrinos into muon-neutrinos?

And if not, why? What is the difference to neutrinos oscillations?
Tim's user avatar
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How do physicists find the speed of neutrinos?

I have heard that there is evidence for neutrinos traveling close to the speed of light, but how is that done? Since neutrinos barely react with anything, and the only evidence for them is indirect (...
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Neutrino oscillations in their rest frame

One thing I've never really had a good feeling for is what neutrino oscillations would look like for a neutrino at rest. Would the neutrino be sitting there with a mass that was uncertain until ...
David Elm's user avatar
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Matrix representation of a triplet state

The $SU(2)$ triplet state is typically given in the fundamental representation as a column vector, e.g. \begin{equation} \vec{\Delta} = \left( \begin{array}{c} \delta^{++} \\ \delta^+ \\ \...
JeffDror's user avatar
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How are neutrino energy eigenstates different to the momentum eigenstates?

Neutrino flavour eigenstates can be expressed (approximately) in terms of their mass eigenstates, leading to neutrino oscillations. $|\nu_e\rangle = \cos \theta |\nu_1\rangle - \sin \theta |\nu_2\...
Tom E.'s user avatar
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