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Change in frequency of light clock due to to acceleration

The problem statement: A light-clock (a photon travelling between two mirrors) has proper length l and moves longitudinally through an inertial frame with proper acceleration $\alpha$ (ignore any ...
hijasonno's user avatar
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Velocity of Separation and Relative Velocity

I have some problems in understanding a concept, which has been used in the problem in the picture: I don't understand what are we actually using to solve this question. Are we using relative ...
Samyak Sambuddha's user avatar
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Energy and momentum conservation equations for frame moving at speed $v$

A particle of rest mass $M$, while at rest in the laboratory, decays into a particle of mass $m$ and speed $v$, and a photon of frequency $f$ moving in opposite direction. I want to look at this ...
Student146's user avatar