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2 answers

How do I find the entropy change of the universe for a not-completely-irreversible isothermic expansion?

My chemistry professor recently showed this in a presentation explaining thermodynamics. In particular, he used it as a demonstration that global entropy rises when starting from the assumption that ...
trerri's user avatar
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Can a fixed amount of ideal gas undergo a reversible process when 2 of either pressure, volume, or temperature are held constant?

I've seen some problems where this was the case: a fixed amount of ideal gas underwent a reversible process where temperature varied while pressure and volume were both held constant. How could that ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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4 answers

Derive $ΔS = Nk\ln(V/V_0)$ using fundamental equations of thermodynamics [closed]

I am considering a system with an ideal gas undergoing an adiabatic expansion. The initial volume is $V_0$ and final is $V$. From this, How do I derive $\Delta S = Nk\ln(V/V_0)$ using fundamental ...
gemini's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this set up a reversible process and is the adiabatic equation of state applicable here?

I had this question in a recent test: My teacher while discussing this question used the adiabatic equation of state PV^gamma=constant to solve for length L (options C and D). And used work energy ...
utkarsh's user avatar
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Why does the answer here use $ \Delta S=Q/T$ even though this isn’t reversible? [closed]

This question for my thermodynamics course ends up using $\Delta S = Q_{\text{waste}} / T,$ but I was taught that $ \Delta S=Q/T$ is only valid if the process is reversible. The question makes it ...
Katja Nell's user avatar
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Entropy and Heat Conduction

For an Intro. Thermal Physics course i am taking this year, I had a simple problem which threw me off-guard, I would appreciate some input to see where i am lacking. The problem is as follows: Does ...
F.N.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Two Polytropic and Two Adiabtic processes in Thermodynamic cycle [closed]

$1$ mole of an Ideal gas performs a reversible cycle with 2 adiabatic and 2 polytropic processes. $A(P_0,V_0,T_0)$ to $B$ with $V_B=V_A/\lambda$ with an adiabatic process. $B$ to $C$ with a polytropic ...
Μπαμπης Ποζουκιδης's user avatar
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What is reversible heat?

If found the following question while studying thermodynamics. What is meant by "reversible heat" and when would it be a thermodynamic property (and when it wouldn't). I am not asking for the ...
Chegon's user avatar
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Calculating final pressure in irreversible adiabatic compression

I am trying to solve the following question. A gas is enclosed in a cylindrical can fitted with a piston. The walls of the can and the piston are adiabatic. The initial pressure, volume and ...
ghoul932's user avatar
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$\dot{W}_{lost}$ due to irreversible processes in the condenser of a refrigeration system

The condenser of a refrigeration system steadily admits $\dot{m} = 50 g/s$ of saturated R134a with a pressure $P_1 = 650kPa$ and a quality $x_1 = 0.9$. The condenser rejects $\dot{Q} = 7kW$ of heat to ...
Jake's user avatar
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Maximum velocity of piston pushed by a gas on adiabatic irreversible expansion [closed]

I am currently studying for my country's IPhO selection process and thermodynamics has to be one of my favorites right now. However I came across a very odd problem that is making me revise a lot of ...
João Vítor G. Lima's user avatar
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Allowed 2-qubit gates [closed]

I was working on some Quantum Information problems regarding allowed 2-qubit gates and got stuck. These are the proposed transformations: $|A\rangle |B\rangle \rightarrow |B\rangle|\overline A\rangle ...
Laurynas Tamulevičius's user avatar
2 votes
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Derive the Carnot Efficiency without using the Carnot Cycle? [closed]

How can you derive the Carnot efficiency using only properties of reversible cycles?
Phineas Nicolson's user avatar
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Is my understanding of reversible and irreversible processes correct?

My question arises from the following exercise: To answer the first question, since $PV = K$ as the process is isothermal, I can deduce that $P_2 = 2P_1$. However, the next question made me ...
sangstar's user avatar
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3 answers

Is isothermal expansion of a gas a reversible process?

I have a homework question that asks me to calculate the change in the entropy during the isothermal expansion using the Sackur-Tetrode. Then, show that it is a reversible process. I have finished ...
ConfusedStudent's user avatar
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Prove all reversible heat engines that work between just two temperatures have the same efficiency

Can someone explain this explanation to me: A completely different argument focuses on the requirement that the device only move heat at one or other of the two temperatures. Then, provided we ...
Victor M's user avatar
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5 answers

Change in entropy when mixing water at different temperature

Suppose two amounts of water of the same mass, but with different temperature, are mixed. Then the entropy of the hot water decreases, but the entropy of the cold water increases due to heat transfer. ...
rndflas's user avatar
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How is a irreversible process (conventionally) represented on a $T-S$ plane and why cannot it be (really) represented?

A reversible process can be represented on a $T-S$ plane, and the area under the curve is the heat exchanged by the system. On $P-V$ plane a irreversible process is conventionally represented with a ...
Sørën's user avatar
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Question about reversible heat engine efficiency

I have a question regarding heat engines that cropped up whilst I was doing a practice question. I will summarise the results I obtained for the previous parts of the question so as to save your time. ...
user3107693's user avatar
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A question about thermodynamic reversible process [closed]

I am a new learner of thermodynamics, and I have a question in my assignment: Show that $W$ and $Q$ for an arbitraty mechanically reversible nonflow process are given by: $$W=\int VdP - \Delta(...
louis.lee's user avatar
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What are the state variables like temperature after the system has done an adiabatic irreversible process? [closed]

Consider a system containing ideal gas which is initially at a volume $V_{1}$ and then suddenly its volume is increased to a volume $V_{2}$. What is the final temperature of the system if the initial ...
Muthu Valli Nayagam's user avatar
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Irreversible work

I'm having some trouble trying to find the irreversible work done by a perfect gas when expanding. I know that the reversible work is greater than the irreversible one, but how can I find the ...
Nicholas J.'s user avatar