I was working on some Quantum Information problems regarding allowed 2-qubit gates and got stuck. These are the proposed transformations:
- $|A\rangle |B\rangle \rightarrow |B\rangle|\overline A\rangle $
- $|A\rangle |B\rangle \rightarrow |\overline A\rangle| A\rangle $
- $|A\rangle |B\rangle \rightarrow |A\oplus B\rangle| A\rangle $
- $|A\rangle |B\rangle \rightarrow \frac{1}{\sqrt 2}(|A\rangle|B\rangle + |\overline A\rangle|\overline B\rangle) $
- $|A\rangle |B\rangle \rightarrow (-1)^{A+B}|A\rangle|B\rangle $
So I think:
- Possible as unitary is reversible (we preserve $A$ and $B$ at the output)
- Not possible as we lose information about $B$ and hence cannot recover that state (i.e. the gate would be irreversible)
- Possible as we know how XOR ($\oplus$) operates and hence can figure $B$ out from $A \oplus B$.
- Here I get stuck. It seems that we preserve the $A$ and $B$ states but can we revert the output of the gate?
- I think possible, as we can simply remove the sign at the front and get the original input states.
Is there anything else besides reversibility I should keep in mind when it comes to validation of unitary operations?