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3 answers

Why is Mars so cold when it has so much atmospheric $CO_2$?

Mars has 1/10 of Earth's atmosphere but that atmosphere is 95% CO2. Why is Mars so cold when it has so much atmospheric CO2?
CO2's user avatar
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How is global warming distributed with respect to altitude?

Lets assume a sea level temperature increase 2c/3c. Then, what is the temperature increase at 10 km altitude? Temperature increase at 30 km altitude? Temperature increase at 70 km altitude? And ...
CO2's user avatar
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Where to start, if I would like to run a planet climate simulation? [closed]

I would like to understand the math behind it, and maybe write an own climate simulator program. I know, that it is a really hard subject. But I'm curious, and I would like to learn more about it. But ...
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