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Transformation of Lie derivative of one-form

In the textbook Supergravity ( by Freedman and Proeyen, 2012), they have defined the Lie derivative of a covariant vector with respect to a vector field V on page 139: $$ \mathcal{L}_V \omega_\mu = V^\...
baba26's user avatar
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Ricci Identity with Torsion Proof

In the notes I'm using for General Relativity, the author begins their proof of the Ricci identity with torsion by writing $$\nabla_{[\mu}\nabla_{\nu]}Z^{\sigma}=\partial_{[\mu}(\nabla_{\nu]}Z^{\sigma}...
postpunkcrumpet's user avatar
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Relationship between derivatives of tensors in different Cartesian coordinate systems

I'm new to tensor calculus: I'm reading a little introductory book whose title is "Quick Introduction to Tensor Analysis", written by R.A Sharipov. I've reached the section called ...
Luke__'s user avatar
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Tensor Differentiation

In the book "Tensors, Relativity and Cosmology" the author derived Maxwell's Equation in covariant form using the EM field tensor Lagrangian $L=-\frac{1}{4}F^{jl}F_{jl}$ (source=0). One of the steps ...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Exterior and Covariant Derivatives

Is the following guaranteed to be true for any covariant vector $f_\mu$ (1-form $\boldsymbol{f}$) in the absence of torsion? $$\nabla_{[\alpha}\nabla_{\beta}f_{\mu]}=\partial_{[\alpha}\partial_{\beta}...
juacala's user avatar
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Second-order covariant derivative in index notation [closed]

So I'm having problems finding the second order covariant derivitive in index notation. My teacher said to just find the covariant derivative of a covariant derivative, so I first started with finding ...
Andrej Licanin's user avatar
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Why is covariant derivative a tensor?

I am trying to prove that the covariant derivative is a tensor (ie it transforms well under a change of coordinates) but I can't succeed to it. Here is the definition of the covariant derivative : $$...
StarBucK's user avatar
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Covariant derivatives of null tetrads

I am trying to understand the Newman Penrose null tetrads and facing some problems. Given $\ell_k$ is a null tetrad in Newman-Penrose formalism, what is $\ell_{k;i}=?$
Bibekananda Manna's user avatar
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Divergence on tensor product [closed]

Can someone explain how first equation can be expanded as third equation? I'm familiar with vector calculus, but not so familiar with tensor calculus, though I know all the definitions. I don't have ...
Heptacle's user avatar
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Question about differentiation of tensors

According to Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Astrophysics for physicists Page 363: $$\frac{\partial \overline A^i}{\partial \overline x^l}=\frac{\partial A^k}{\partial x^m}\frac{\partial x^m}{\partial \overline ...
Jens Roderus's user avatar
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Tensors and derivatives

I am a maths student taking a module in (the mathematics of) Relativity so I get quite confused when looking for stuff that may help me understand where I go wrong in certain questions as I'm not ...
Evie123's user avatar
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Covariant Derivative of Kronecker Delta

I am reading Carroll's book on GR right now, and I ran into a little trouble in his chapter 3 on curvature. He is establishing the properties of the covariant derivative, and claims that the fact that ...
nickodel's user avatar
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Covariant derivative of a covariant derivative

I'm trying to find the covariant derivative of a covariant derivative, i.e. $\nabla_a (\nabla_b V_c)$. This is something I've taken for granted a lot in calculations, namely I though that by the ...
Wooster's user avatar
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Calculating motion of equation in tensor form

for the Lagrangian density $$\mathscr{L}=\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\mu}A^{\mu})^2$$ how can I get this $$\frac{\partial{\mathscr{L}}}{\partial(\partial_{\mu}A_\nu)}=(\partial_\rho A^\rho)\eta^{\mu\nu}$$ ...
leave2014's user avatar
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Variation of a tensor

Let a change of coordinates be given by $x^{\mu}\to x^{\mu '}=x^{\mu}+\varepsilon \xi^{\mu}(x)$ with epsilon a small quantity. Given a tensor $T$ we define $\delta T:=T'(x)-T(x)$. I guess this means $...
Abellan's user avatar
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Variation of square root of determinant of metric, $\delta g$ [closed]

I am trying to calculate $$ \frac{\partial \sqrt{- g}}{\partial g^{\mu \nu}},$$ where $g = \text{det} g_{\mu \nu}$. We have $$ \frac{\partial \sqrt{- g}}{\partial g^{\mu \nu}} = - \frac{1}{2 \...
johnhenry's user avatar
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Covariant derivative ordering

I was working on a problem involving Bianchi identities, in a particular case I have to take the covariant derivative of the following, which indeed is the Ricci tensor in linearised limit $$r^{\mu}_{\...
Wiliam's user avatar
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Varying wrt metric [closed]

I saw people write $\frac{\partial( F^{ab} F_{ab})}{\partial g^{ef}}$ as $\frac {\partial (g^{ca}g^{db}F_{cd}F_{ab})}{\partial g^{ef}}$ in a way that exposes the dependence on the metric. but ...
the_doors's user avatar
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Advection operator

How are exactly $u_j\partial_ju_i$ and $u_i\partial_j u_i$ related? And what is their relation to ($\boldsymbol{u}\cdot\nabla)\boldsymbol{u}$ and $\boldsymbol{u}\cdot(\nabla\boldsymbol{u})$ ? I ask ...
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