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"Deriving" the covariant derivative

Suppose we are working in scalar QED with Lagrangian $$\mathscr{L} = (D_\mu \phi)(D^\mu \phi)^* - \frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}.$$ I now want to find the form of the covariant derivative $D_\mu$ ...
Geigercounter's user avatar
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How do you differentiate $F^{αβ}$ with respect to $g_{μν}$?

I want to experiment with this relation (from Dirac's "General Theory of Relativity"): $$T^{μν} = -\left(2 \frac{∂L}{∂g_{μν}} + g^{μν} L \right)$$ using the electromagnetic Lagrangian $L = -(...
Khun Chang's user avatar
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Derive interaction lagrangian for KG equation in QED

The free-field KG lagrangian density for complex scalar field is given as $$\hat{\mathcal{L}}_{\text{KG}}=(\partial_\mu\hat{\phi}^\dagger)(\partial^\mu\hat\phi)-m^2\hat{\phi}^\dagger\hat{\phi}$$ By ...
Rescy_'s user avatar
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How to show the equivalence between Lagrangians?

I have a Lagrangian of a form: $$\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\left (A_\mu g^{\mu\nu}\partial^2 A_\nu-A_\mu \partial^\mu \partial^\nu A_\nu\right ) $$ And I want to show that it is equivalent to the ...
aerospace's user avatar
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Canonical momentum of a 4-vector field

In a four-vector field theory, we have a given Lagrangian: $$\mathscr{L} = C_{1} (\partial_{\nu} A_{\mu}) (\partial^{\nu} A^{\mu}) + C_2 (\partial_{\nu} A_{\mu}) (\partial^{\mu} A^{\nu}) + C_3 A_{\mu} ...
Armani42's user avatar
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Help with relativistic notation (Derivative of Lagrangian)

I am trying to learn QFT, but I haven't taken a course in general relativity so the relativistic notation stuff is taking me a bit to get used to. I do not understand how to do the following. For a ...
user41178's user avatar
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Derivatives with upper and lower indices

I'm studying classical and quantum field theory, but evaluating derivatives of fields (scalar and/or vector) described with upper and lower indices is somewhat new to me. I'm trying to evaluate $$\...
Libertron's user avatar
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Total time derivative of magnetic vector potential $A$

I am looking at this document, which tries to establish the Lagrangian of the Lorentz force. Everything is fine, but I don't see why: $$\frac{dA_i}{dt}=\frac{\partial A_i}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial ...
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