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Acceleration in terms of displacement

I am having problems understanding the derivation of acceleration in terms of displacement. The first step is fine: $$a(x) = \frac{\mathrm dv(x)}{\mathrm dt} = \frac{\mathrm dv(x)}{\mathrm dx} \frac{\...
Hugo Lundin's user avatar
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What does the derivative of unit vector of velocity with respect to time represent?

let an object move with a constant accelration a. in my book,the following derivatve is said to be non-constant(variable). $$\frac{d[\frac{v}{|v|}]}{dt}$$ what does this mean? as far as i can think,it ...
Karan's user avatar
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Physical and Diagrammatic representation of $a$=undefined when $v$=0 according to $a$=$vdv$/$dx$

$a$=acceleration $v$=velocity $x$=position along x axis $t$=time instant My teacher derived the $a$=$v$$dv$/$dx$ formula as follows Assume a particle at time $t$ is at $x$ position having $v$ velocity ...
Rita Garain's user avatar
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Are terms tangential acceleration and normal acceleration only used for instantaneous velocity?

Are terms tangential acceleration and normal acceleration only used for instantaneous velocity?
Naman Singh's user avatar
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What are the relationships between the motion-time graphs?

I was wondering if someone could explain the relationships between the three motion graphs (Position-Time, Velocity-Time, and Acceleration-Time). I believe that the slope of the P-T is Velocity and ...
Enrageder's user avatar
-1 votes
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For how long is an objects velocity it's instantaneous velocity at time $t$?

Basically I'm asking if an object's instantaneous velocity at time $t$ is $8m/s$ and its instantaneous velocity at time $t^+$ (idk latex, but basically the t + an infinitely small number) is $10m/s$, ...
Serendipitous Epiphany's user avatar