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3 answers

Mathematically proving that it is always possible for a rigid body to maintain its rigidity

Consider a rigid body $\mathcal{B}$ modeled by a system of $n$ point masses $B_1,B_2,\dots, B_n$ constrained to keep constant distance from each other. I wonder how it is possible to mathematically ...
35T41's user avatar
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How to find the value of the parameter $a$ in this transfer function?

I am given a transfer function of a second-order system as: $$G(s)=\frac{a}{s^{2}+4s+a}$$ and I need to find the value of the parameter $a$ that will make the damping coefficient $\zeta=.7$. I am not ...
Greg Harrington's user avatar
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Will double or triple pendulums sync when they are on a platform they can affect?

what i am talking about is something along the lines of this video, where 30 metronomes sync themselves on a table. Will the same happen with double or ...
Johnermon's user avatar
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About Poincare section for the double pendulum

I am reading Prof. Louis N. Hand's Analytical Mechanics. In the chapter about chaos, it introduces the concepts of Poincare section based on the example of double pendulum. Also, it plot the section ...
user1285419's user avatar
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Self-confinement of $N$-body gravitational systems

Consider $N=2$ point particles (each having unit mass) interacting via Newtonian gravity in the usual 3-dimensional space. There is a simple criterion to assess whether the system is bounded or not: ...
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