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How to obtain exoplanets transmission spectra from JWST's NIRISS data of WASP96?

I was having a look at JWST's NIRISS data of WASP96 (specifically at the x1dints fits file which should be already calibrated). From this, I would like to obtain a result in a fashion similar to the ...
gangio's user avatar
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Is the transit technique for exoplanet detections part of the "Wide-Field Precision Photometry Revolution"?

In a exoplanet focused lecture I was informed that the two main techniques for the detection of exoplanets were: radial velocity (VR) and transit. These were very briefly explained to us. When ...
user7077252's user avatar
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Are there planets orbiting something else than a star?

Exoplanet is a planet that orbits a star different from our Sun. Are there any planets (that we know of) which orbit something else? (Like different giant planet or black hole or maybe neutron star.)
John Ronald's user avatar
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Research on exoplanets using available data from TESS

I am a high school student who is proposing research on exoplanets for my junior research project, I have several questions: I have seen studies where researchers survey star systems and then find ...
Sasan Sedighi-Mournani's user avatar
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Datasets for calculation of exoplanet properties

I would like to create program for calculation exoplanet properties, but I only found transit dataset from Kepler on NASA website. From light curve I can calculate: planet radius $r$ from $\frac{r_{...
Michal's user avatar
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Can a planemo turn into a star?

I read this question Why is planet CFBDSIR2149-0403 hot? and wonder what will happen to this "planemo". Will it attract more mass as it flows around in the gas clouds in space and eventually light ...
d-b's user avatar
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Can we know if an exoplanet has a magnetic field?

The recent discovery of the exoplanet Proxima b gave rise to several questions concerning its habitability and its potential to host life. A major concern is the huge amount of radiation coming from ...
Qwertuy's user avatar
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Is there a simple formula for calculating semimajor axis bounds of "habitable zone"?

I understand that an accurate determination of the bounds of the "habitable zone" for a given stellar system depends on a large number of factors, including many beyond characteristics of the parent ...
orome's user avatar
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What day/night cycles, climate and seasons would experience Alpha Centauri Bb inhabitants?

Alpha Centauri Bb is an exoplanet orbiting Alpha Centauri B. It is asserted that given the close distance to the star the planet should be tidally locked. The orbiting period of the planet is about ...
Anixx's user avatar
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