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2 answers

Generalize knowing when to accelerate towards or away from a target you are moving towards to arrive without overshooting it

Imagine you are a spacecraft moving towards a position and you start out with zero relative velocity. You accelerate towards it, then halfway there you start accelerating in the opposite direction so ...
halbe's user avatar
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1 answer

When should smartphone be declared as static using accelerometer reading? [closed]

I wish to know when should I declare an smart phone static by reading its 3 axis accelerometer reading. I have notice that modulo of all 3 axes gives 9.8 when ever smart phone is static. What does it ...
tomtom's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How can one detect a device (phone) falling using its 3-axis accelerometer?

I am working on an Android app to use its 3-axis inbuilt accelerometer to find if the phone falls. I googled and found that if the following value is less than 2: $$a = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}$$ (where ...
tomtom's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calculate constant acceleration required to move an object by a distance $d$ in time $t$? [closed]

I’m working on an animation software and I require objects to have a downward acceleration. They currently fall at a constant velocity but I want to make them accelerate to make the animation look ...
user15211457's user avatar
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3 answers

Computing the $x$-$y$ position of a vehicle for constant acceleration

I want to very simplistically plot the $x$-$y$ position of a vehicle in 2D that can accelerate/brake and drive a constant speed while turning etc. The basic equations for determining the position for ...
Tony_V's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Lateral acceleration to angle [closed]

I am doing a 2D simulation in discrete steps of a vehicle. The vehicle will desire a certain lateral acc. at any given timestep. So I would like to know the delta angle of the velocity vector after ...
Invariant's user avatar
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6 answers

Formula to determine acceleration based on constant energy input

I'm a software engineer building a simulator for train movement. What I would like to do is create an acceleration curve that's closer to reality. This is my thinking, which includes some ...
user3900621's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Get acceleration from accelerometer

I'm currently developing an application. I'm practically done, but I have one big issue (for me). So I have 3-axis acceleration from my android device. Now I want to have the general acceleration at ...
sincrow's user avatar
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3 answers

How to determine when to decelerate to reach a destination at 0 velocity?

(Sorry, not sure whether this belongs here on the Physics StackExchange or the Math StackExchange.) I'm creating a computer game in which there is a computer-controlled car that needs to travel along ...
Walt D's user avatar
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1 answer

Vehicle acceleration

What I'm essentially doing is Kalman Filter. If anyone is familiar with (but it doesn't really matter in this case). Consider the following formulas: $$x_k=x_{k-1}+v_{k-1}dt+a_{k-1}\frac{dt^2}{2}$$ $...
c0dehunter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to find acceleration given position and velocity? [closed]

Sorry for this very simple question but I am still very new to the laws of motion. I am dealing with 2-dimensional vectors in my programming environment and I'm following these slides to learn about ...
John Tylerc's user avatar