So I did a little C#
demo to check that my math is correct first.
The math behind each simulation step is as follows (assuming non-zero steering angle). Below $\Delta t$ is the time step, $v_0$ the initial speed, $\vec{p}_0$ is the initial position, $\varphi_0$ the initial orientation angle, and $\ell$ is the wheelbase.
- Define the step steering angle $\theta$, as well as the acceleration $\dot{v}$.
- Define the turn radius $R = \ell / \tan \theta$.
- Get speed change $\Delta v = \dot{v} \Delta t$.
- Get distance change $\Delta s = v_0 \Delta t + \tfrac{1}{2} \dot{v} \Delta t^2$.
- Get orientation angle change $\Delta \varphi = \Delta s / R$
- Get new orientation angle $\varphi_1 = \varphi_0 + \Delta \varphi$
- Get initial normal direction $\hat{n}_0 = \pmatrix{-\sin (\varphi_0) & \cos (\varphi_0)}$
- Get final normal direction $\hat{n}_1 = \pmatrix{-\sin (\varphi_1) & \cos (\varphi_1)}$
- Get position change $\Delta \vec{p} = R\, (\hat{n}_0 - \hat{n}_1)$
- New position $\vec{p}_1 = \vec{p}_0 + \Delta \vec{p}$
- New speed $v_1 = v_0 + \Delta v$
- Get tangent direction $\hat{e}_1 = \pmatrix{ \cos(\varphi_1) & \sin(\varphi_1)}$
- Get new velocity vector $\vec{v}_1 = v_1 \hat{e}_1$
NOTE: All angles are in radians. The car position is defined by the center of the rear axle since a car turns about the rear wheels.
The key to this and the answer to your question is #9. It takes the current position, moves to the center of rotation (pivot point), and back into the new position by traversing an arc of length $\Delta s$.
The kinematics of a 2D car is described by the following picture
where $R$ is the radius of turn (and $1/R$ is the turn curvature). In pink is the arc the car tracks (the local coordinate of the car shown mid-rear axle) and it has an arc length of $\Delta s$. This arc sweeps an angle of $\Delta \varphi = \Delta s/R$. The angle $\theta$ describing the big blue triangle is the steering angle, due to similar triangles in the steering geometry.
The initial and final position and orientation of the car coordinate system is shown at the ends of the pink arc, and you see they share the common pivot point which is always $R$ distance away, along the $\hat{n}$ direction.