Linked Questions

12 votes
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What are entropy and reversible processes really?

I'm confused about the concepts of entropy and reversible processes. Before explaining the definition of entropy, they used the term "reversible process" without defining it formally. Then, when ...
Weijie Chen's user avatar
3 votes
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What ds>dQ/T mean?

I read the derivation on page 216 over here. First, it considers an irreversible process between states 1 and 2, followed by a reversible process between states 2 and 1. From my interpretation, ...
user115968's user avatar
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How to determine the entropy change in a system with heat and mass transfer?

Consider the system as shown in the picture. It consists of two chambers filled with a gas and connected with a tube. One chamber is closed with a piston. Everything is thermally insulated. We make ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Why can one use this equation for entropy if this process is irreversible?

The equation $$dS = \dfrac{dQ}{T}$$ is said do hold only on reversible processes. Indeed this is almost always emphasized by writing $$dS = \dfrac{dQ_{\mathrm{rev}}}{T},$$ to be clear that this ...
Gold's user avatar
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4 votes
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Entropy production in isolated system

My question relates to the stereotypical example for understanding the first and second laws: an isolated system filled with a gas of non-interacting molecules with constant ($E$,$V$,$N$) has two ...
Javi's user avatar
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Are the thermoelectric effects reversible?

On the one hand, it is commonly said that thermoelectric effects are reversible. For Wikipedia they are thermodynamically reversible because as the factor of merit ZT approaches infinity, the ...
untreated_paramediensis_karnik's user avatar
3 votes
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Entropy production rate due to heat transfer

I don't understand how you can derive a formula for the rate of entropy generation due to heat transfer between two sources with temperatures $T_2$ and $T_1$ without varying the temperature themselves....
EigenAle's user avatar
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Entropy generated for a warm bath heating a cold rock

Put a cold rock of heat capacity $C_r$ and temperature $T_{r1}$ into an insulated fluid bath of finite heat capacity $C_b$ (the bath is not a reservoir) and temperature $T_{b1}$. Now let the entire ...
Thermodynamix's user avatar
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Is it possible to increase the temperature of an ideal gas in an adiabatic sealed container with a frictionless piston for a lid?

As far as I understand it, if I pumped the piston repeatedly, compressing the gas, the temperature would go up for a second, but the minute I released the piston the higher pressure inside the ...
aimlesslegs's user avatar
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Does entropy increase with heat flow?

In an exam, I had a scenario where 2 bodies with different temperatures were put together and over time their temperatures mixed and eventually became uniform. My intuition tells me that as a result, ...
Kuba Czupyt's user avatar