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Was Big Bang the "START" of time? [duplicate]

I know that this question has been repeated a lot. But I still don't understand this concept. Big bang created matter and space but how could it possibly create time? If Big bang didn't create time ...
MpH81679's user avatar
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Theoretical: what is the meaning of nothing? [duplicate]

Before the big bang, there was a point surrounded by nothing (no space or anything). Then the big bang happened and the universe expanded. so beyond the universe's limits, there is nothing? I don't ...
Marco's user avatar
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The passing of time [duplicate]

Did the passing of time come before everything else? As in, how long was there "nothing"? And if we can put a time on that, wouldn't time itself be something? And if so, is time the thing that "always ...
Krisuss's user avatar
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Did time have a beginning? [duplicate]

Did time have a beginning in the current scientific consensus? Or has it existed forever?
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Can there be a start of the universe? [duplicate]

I remembered learning about the essential law of conservation of mass, stating that no mass/matter can be made or destroyed. That got me thinking, if no matter can be made or destroyed, then there can'...
Ishaan Manish's user avatar
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Did the Big Bang happen at a point?

TV documentaries invariably show the Big Bang as an exploding ball of fire expanding outwards. Did the Big Bang really explode outwards from a point like this? If not, what did happen?
11 votes
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Question regarding the validity of the big bounce

I have several questions regarding the "big bounce" theory. It appears to be popular among LQG researchers. My questions are as as follows. 1) How one reconciles it with the fact that it is now ...
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Before the Big Bang

I've heard this saying before I don't know about anyone else. It says, "What ever was before the Big Bang is something physics can't explain..! Is this saying true (accurate)?
Nick1o2's user avatar
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On causality and The Big Bang Theory

With the notion of causality, firmly fixed by GR, we derived the concept of a singular point from where space-time begun. Causality alone gives us the possibility to talk about a known past (i.e. ...
nijankowski's user avatar
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Excluding big bang itself, does spacetime have a boundary?

My understanding of big bang cosmology and General Relativity is that both matter and spacetime emerged together (I'm not considering time zero where there was a singularity). Does this mean that ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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If the Big Bang theory is true, what caused it to explode?

According to the Big Bang theory, all the matter in the universe was amassed together at one single point. If this was the case, why was it able to explode? The density of the mass would create a ...
Alex Sasha's user avatar
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Big Bang...or...Everywhere Stretch?

Recently I watched a minute-physics video that suggested that a better name for the beginning of time would be "Everywhere stretch" because there wasn't a space-time singularity that formed ...
George Smyridis's user avatar
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How do the fundamental quantum fields create particles?

According to QFT, particles are excitation of their respective fields (electrons are the excited quanta of the electron field, photons for the electromagnetic field, etc). This excitement is due to ...
H. M's user avatar
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Big Bang Anybody? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Did time exist before the creation of matter in the universe? on causality and The Big Bang Theory I was recently watching a Discovery special on the Big Bang theory, and ...
Friedmanite's user avatar
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Does the big bang violate the conservation of energy? [duplicate]

It is a fact that a thing is existing now because it had already been created. So why don't we take this to account to redefine law of conservation of energy.
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