Linked Questions

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2 answers

What is the initial angular momentum of a rigid body given an offset impulsed force?

What is the imparted angular momentum to a rigid body if the impulse force is offset by a distance $h$ from the center of mass and the imparted momentum from the center of mass is $mv$? For a ...
linuxfreebird's user avatar
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4 answers

Off-center impulse equations [closed]

A rigid steel bar with mass $M$ is hit sideways (very close to its end) by a steel ball with mass $m$ and velocity $v$. What are the equations of motion after elastic impact and how about conservation ...
Jens's user avatar
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Technique to Solve 2-Dimensional Linear Momentum Problem

Problem: After a completely inelastic collision, two objects of the same mass and initial speed stick together and move away at half their initial speed. Find the angle between their initial ...
Perturbative's user avatar
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Calculate impact force. when A beam starts to fall down with one end hinged and hits an object [closed]

A beam of 10 Kg and length 12 meter starts to fall from initial vertical position with one end hinged. When Beam's center of mass is dropped 5 meter from earlier position, Beam hits an object with ...
Sheldon's user avatar
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Coin inclined at fixed angle toward the horizontal dropped onto table and rebounds [closed]

Here is my question: A circular coin of radius $a$ falls at speed $u$ (without rotating) onto a smooth horizontal table. The perpendicular to its face makes an angle $\theta$ with the vertical. ...
Tradrad0997's user avatar
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Breakdown of velocity components of a pivoting domino rotating 90° clockwise

I'm trying to model/qualitatively analyse the velocity components of a toppling domino about a pivot point, to support the results I procured in my experiment. Essentially I am trying to figure out ...
Gypsy's user avatar
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Mechanics of colliding irregular shapes in 2D or 3D

I am familiar with the mechanics of colliding spheres but I am trying to understand how this generalizes to irregular shapes (eg. 2 cubes colliding in 3D space). Clearly this is a more involved ...
JeneralJames's user avatar
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Does inelastic collision say the ball bounces back to you when thrown at an angle on ground?

I created a bounce simulation using exactly the formula from Wikipedia. The behavior I observe is not what I would expect in two cases: When two balls hit off-centre, they act the same as if the ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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Elastic collision resolution between two points [closed]

I'm mainly focused on Computer Science, but I am trying to create one simulation where I need to resolve collisions between points with mass and absolute velocities. Imagine having: $point = <v_x, ...
Patrik Bašo's user avatar
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How do I deduce the Axis of Rotation of objects while solving rolling,angular momentum questions?

A uniform rod of length $L$ lies on a smooth horizontal table. A particle moving on the table strikes the rod perpendicularly at an end and then stops. Find the distance travelled by the centre of the ...
Ashish Shukla's user avatar
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Work done by torque on a particle traveling in a straight line

I have been asking and learning about angular momentum. I know that an object traveling straight has ang. momentum about a point of rotation. Just curious, this example shows the torque acting on a ...
Kevin C Speltz's user avatar
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Elastic collision between a point and a rotating solid

Consider a pointwise particle with mass $m_1$ and speed $v_1$, which collides with a solid $S$ of mass $m_2$, rotational inertia matrix $J$, speed $v_2$, and rotational velocity $\omega_2$. I denote ...
Isao's user avatar
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Rigid rotational dynamics problem [closed]

A thin uniform rod AB of mass $M$ and length $L$ is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a horizontal axle at end A. A piece of putty, also of mass $M$, is thrown with velocity $V$ horizontally at ...
John Cox's user avatar